As we rose up from Earth, we followed our most primitive instinct. We became primal. Met fire and forged an alliance with it. It flows through our veins, red as a burning flame, a natural force crawling under our skin, making us human, imperfect, diverse and beautiful. Love teaches us to support each other’s growth and happiness. Eternal freedom. Celebrating Sisterhood.
“That day on the beach we danced topless in the sand, hugged each other’s gleaming bodies tight and ate mangoes — juices dripping down our skin. I never had the courage to dance topless on the beach before until that day, never knew how radically liberating a small gesture like that would feel, until emboldened and supported by the courage of these beautiful women. We breathed freedom through our lungs.” — Xiang
Starring: Janne, Xiang and Raziyah for P Nº7 PRIMAL — Book